Statewide Oregon Road Conditions

Highways with no adverse conditions do not show up on this report.


Note: Available filter options are derived from active events; the absence of a filter option indicates no active events contain that information.

Current Travel Conditions By Route


US30, La Grande MP 1 - 0

US 30 is closed. Local freight and passenger vehicles only. No I-84 access for commercial motor vehicles.
2/9/2025 1:26:00 AM


ORE204, 1 mile West of Elgin MP 39 - 0

OR 204 is closed. Local freight and passenger vehicles only. No I-84 access for commercial motor vehicles.
2/9/2025 1:18:00 AM


I-84, 4 miles East of La Grande MP 265 - 224

The highway is closed due to crash. All Westbound lanes are closed. Use an alternate route.

<!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](

2/9/2025 1:15:00 AM


I-84, 12 miles West of La Grande MP 248

A crash has closed the road. Use an alternate route.
2/9/2025 12:56:00 AM


ORE19, Arlington MP 1

Railroad maintenance operations are occurring. Use an alternate route.
2/8/2025 11:43:00 AM

Conditional Closure

ORE273, Intersection with Green Springs Highway ORE66 MP 0 - 12

Winter driving conditions has closed the road to most travelers. Use an alternate route.

Open to local traffic only.

2/6/2025 11:02:00 AM


HWY100, 2 miles East of Troutdale MP 3

The Stark Street bridge is closed at Historic Columbia River Highway. Use alternate route.
10/22/2024 7:19:00 AM


ORE141, Tigard MP 5

Hall Boulevard is closed where it passes over OR 217 in Tigard, at Pfaffle Street. Use Greenburg Road as a detour route.

The Hall Boulevard overpass over OR 217 near OR 99W and Pfaffle Street in Tigard is closed for nine months, starting in March 2024. The intersection of Pfaffle Street and Hall Boulevard is also closed. Drivers are not permitted to turn onto Hall Boulevard from Pfaffle Street or turn onto Pfaffle Street from Hall Boulevard. All vehicle traffic should use the signed detour using Greenburg Road. People walking and bicycling will still be able to cross OR 217 via a temporary pedestrian bridge. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](

3/11/2024 11:33:00 AM


HWY100, 5 miles West of Ainsworth State Park MP 18

A section of the Historic Columbia River Highway/U.S. 30 between Wahkeena Falls and Multnomah Falls is closed to all users until Memorial Day 2025.

Use I-84 Exit 31 or take transit to visit Multnomah Falls. There is no vehicle or bicycle access to Multnomah Falls heading eastbound on the Historic Highway. The Wahkeena-Multnomah Falls return trail #442 is open to hikers. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](

12/15/2024 6:17:00 AM

Weather Alert

South Central Coast, Curry Co. Coast

Freeze Warning

NOAA Issue Date: 2/9/2025 02:16:00 AM What For the first Freeze Warning this morning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31. For the second Freeze Warning Monday morning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. For the third Freeze Warning Tuesday morning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. Where Curry county coast and south central Oregon coast. This includes the cities of Reedsport, Lakeside, Coos bay, Bandon, Port Orford, Gold Beach, and Brookings. When For the first Freeze Warning, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the second Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM PST Monday. For the third Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM PST Tuesday. Impacts Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Precautionary/preparedness actions... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.

Weather Alert

North Blue Mnts, WA-Northwest Blue Mnts

Winter Weather Advisory

NOAA Issue Date: 2/9/2025 12:43:00 AM What Snow. Additional snow accumulations 2 to 4 inches. Where In Oregon, northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. In Washington, northwest Blue Mountains. When Until noon PST today. Impacts Plan on slippery road conditions. Precautionary/preparedness actions... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Oregon, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck. Com online, or by calling 5 1 1. In Washington, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting the website wsdot. WA. Gov/travel.

Weather Alert

Grand Ronde Valley

Winter Weather Advisory

NOAA Issue Date: 2/9/2025 12:43:00 AM What Snow. Total snow accumulations 2 to 4 inches. Where Grande Ronde Valley. When Until noon PST today. Impacts Even light snowfall amounts can accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions due to slippery and snow-covered roads. Precautionary/preparedness actions... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck. Com online, or by calling 5 1 1.

I-205: SB MP 8.32 to 11.06
I-205, West Linn

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Nighttime work on Clackamette Drive Friday night. Expect delays. Nighttime ramp closure on the north Exit 9 off-ramp to OR99E and OR99E on-ramp to I-205 north 10 pm to 5 am Monday thru Thursday and 10 pm to 7 am Friday. Single lane closures on Clackamette Drive, Willamette Falls Drive. Auxiliary lane closure on OR 99E north. Pedestrian detours on OR 43 and OR 99E.
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:23 PM

I-5: MP 1 to 11

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Siskiyou Summit (Elev. 4310) - California State Line to the Talent Exit
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-5: MP 1 to 11

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
53 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:03 PM

I-5: NB MP 9
I-5, 6 miles South of Ashland

Maintenance Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane
Road maintenance operations are occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:55 AM

I-5: MP 11 to 1

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
53 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:03 PM

I-5: MP 66 to 81

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Smith Hill (Elev. 1730'), Stage Rd Pass (Elev. 1830') and Sexton Mountain Pass (Elev. 1960') Summits - Grants Pass to the Glendale Exit
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-5: MP 66 to 81

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
33 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
3 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 12:24 AM

I-5: MP 81 to 66

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
33 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
3 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 12:25 AM

I-5: MP 87.4 to 99.1

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Canyon Creek Pass Summit (Elev. 2020') - Azalea to North Canyonville
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-5: MP 87.4 to 99.1

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
35 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:05 PM

I-5: MP 115 to 118

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Ground Fog
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
38 F
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:05 PM

I-5: MP 146.49 to 148.49

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
36 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:04 PM

I-5: MP 160 to 168

Road/Weather Report
Informational only
Weather Condition
Intermittent Showers
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
37 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:03 PM

I-5: MP 203.55
I-5, 9 miles North of Intersection with Beltline Highway

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-5 NB MP 203.55 to MP 216.92 (Coburg) Effective June 2, 2024, this section of I-5 northbound will be intermittently restricted to 16 feet 00 inches in width Sunday through Thursday nights between the hours of 7 PM & 5:30 AM. Loads over 16 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is March 31, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-5: NB MP 203.56 to 216.92
I-5, 9 miles North of Intersection with Beltline Highway

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Workers are installing guardrails, barriers, and signs on northbound and southbound I-5. Lane closures will occur between 7:00 PM and 5:30 AM. A work zone speed reduction of 55 MPH will be enforced. Please drive carefully and lookout for workers in the roadway. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
2/04/2025 6:15 PM

I-5: MP 216.8 to 205.34
I-5, 17 miles South of Albany

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-5 SB MP 216.92 to MP 203.55 (Coburg) Effective January 23, 2025, this section of I-5 southbound will be intermittently restricted to 16 feet 00 inches in width Sunday through Thursday nights between the hours of 7 PM & 5:30 AM. Loads over 16 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is April 19, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-5: NB MP 248.42 to 248.73
I-5, 6 miles South of Intersection with ORE22, in Salem

Construction Work
Informational only
On Ramp
Road construction is or will be occurring. Use caution. Ramps Affected. Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. Southbound I-5 traffic to be shifted onto the former northbound lanes. Northbound I-5 traffic to use Exit 249 and the former I-5 on-ramp as the new northbound lanes. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/17/2025 2:04 PM

I-5: NB MP 248.65 to 249.73
I-5, 5 miles South of Intersection with ORE22, in Salem

Construction Work
Informational only
Off Ramp
Road construction is or will be occurring. Use caution. Ramps Affected. Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. Southbound I-5 traffic to be shifted onto the former northbound lanes. Northbound I-5 traffic to use Exit 249 and the former I-5 on-ramp as the new northbound lanes. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/17/2025 2:03 PM

I-5: NB MP 248.69
I-5, 5 miles South of Intersection with ORE22, in Salem

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. Southbound I-5 traffic to be shifted onto the former northbound lanes. Northbound I-5 traffic to use Exit 249 and the former I-5 on-ramp as the new northbound lanes. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/17/2025 2:05 PM

I-5: NB MP 249.08 to 249.85
I-5, 5 miles South of Intersection with ORE22, in Salem

Construction Work
Informational only
On Ramp
Road construction is or will be occurring. Use caution. Ramps Affected. Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. Southbound I-5 traffic to be shifted onto the former northbound lanes. Northbound I-5 traffic to use Exit 249 and the former I-5 on-ramp as the new northbound lanes. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/17/2025 2:04 PM

I-5: MP 251.79 to 248.15
I-5, 2 miles South of Intersection with ORE22, in Salem

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-5 NB & SB MP 248.00 to MP 252.00 (Salem) Effective August 29, 2024, this section of I-5 northbound and southbound will be restricted to 13 feet 00 inches in width Sunday through Thursday nights between the hours of 9 PM & 5 AM. The estimated completion date for this work is July 31, 2025.</tag
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-5: SB MP 262 to 240.15
I-5, 8 miles North of Intersection with ORE22, in Salem

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. You'll see crews working on the shoulder preparing for the VMS boards and camera installation. Please drive with caution. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/04/2024 6:46 AM

I-5: NB MP 277.39 to 279.45
I-5, 5 miles North of Woodburn

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Crews working daily, Sunday through Thursday with occasional night and weekend work. Up to two lanes closed nightly in either direction on I-5 from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Other roads in the project area to have single lane closures as needed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Reduced speed to 55 mph in the work zone. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/09/2025 1:32 AM

I-5: SB MP 286
I-5, Wilsonville, Intersection with Elligsen Rd

Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Southbound) 1 Lane
A crash has the SB right lane closed at Day Rd. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:47 AM

I-5: SB MP 295.9 to 296.1
I-5, 1 mile North of Portland, Intersection with SW Capitol Highway

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
No traffic impacts.
Last Updated
12/15/2024 6:12 AM

I-5: MP 302.8 to 302.92
I-5, 1 mile North of I-405 North Interchange

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-5 NB MP 302.75 to MP 302.95 (Portland) Effective February 14, 2025, this section of I-5 northbound will be restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width between the hours of 3 AM & 5 AM. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is February 14, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-5: MP 308.38 to 308
I-5, Oregon Washington Border

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-5 SB MP 308.38 to MP 308.00 (Interstate Bridge - Portland) Effective March 8, 2025, this section of I-5 southbound will be closed at night between the hours of 11 PM & 7 AM. The estimated completion date for this work is March 9, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-82: MP 0 to 11.21
I-82, Oregon - Washington Border

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-82 NB & SB MP 0.00 to MP 11.21 (Umatilla) Effective April 1, 2025, this section of I-82 northbound and southbound will be restricted to 16 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 16 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is November 15, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-82: EB MP 1
I-82, Intersection with Columbia River Highway US395

No to Minimum Delay
A hazardous materials event has occurred causing minimal delay. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/07/2025 4:51 PM

I-84: MP 13.03 to 77

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
NE 181st in Troutdale east to just west of the Rowena Exit
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-84: MP 13.03 to 44

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
33 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:34 PM

I-84: MP 41.25 to 41.51
I-84, 4 miles West of Cascade Locks

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB MP 41.00 to MP 41.55 (Cascade Locks) Effective March 3, 2025, this section of I-84 eastbound will be restricted to 12 feet 00 inches in width between the hours of 8 AM and 2 PM. The estimated completion date for this work is March 4, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 41.25
I-84, 4 miles West of Cascade Locks

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB MP 41.25 (Tooth Rock Tunnel - Cascade Locks) Effective March 3, 2025, this section of I-84 eastbound will be intermittently restricted to 17 feet 3 inches in height between the hours of 8 AM and 2 PM. The estimated completion date for this work is March 4, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 44 to 64

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
36 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:34 PM

I-84: EB MP 58.39 to 59
I-84, 6 miles West of Hood River

Construction Work
Off Ramp
I-84 east Exit 58 closed around the clock. Ramps Affected. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
9/08/2024 7:38 AM

I-84: MP 64 to 87

Road/Weather Report
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:31 AM

I-84: EB MP 84
I-84, The Dalles

No to Minimum Delay
A crash has occurred with minimal delay to traffic. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
11/30/2024 6:03 PM

I-84: EB MP 87 to 137.9
I-84, The Dalles

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Workers are expected to be on site installing temporary striping and moving the median barrier in preparation for shifting traffic into the crossovers later in the week as weather conditions allow. Motorists should anticipate single lane closures on I-84 near mile points 109 & 138, in EB & WB directions.
Last Updated
1/31/2025 1:36 PM

I-84: MP 87 to 112

Road/Weather Report
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:31 AM

I-84: MP 108 to 109.78
I-84, 3 miles East of Biggs Junction

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB & WB MP 107.90 to MP 109.90 (Rufus) Effective January 20, 2025 this section of I-84 eastbound and westbound will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. The estimated completion date for this work is April 25, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 112 to 150

Road/Weather Report
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:31 AM

I-84: MP 137.59 to 138.18
I-84, Arlington

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB & WB MP 137.60 to MP 138.50 (Arlington) Effective January 20, 2025 this section of I-84 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. The estimated completion date for this work is May 22, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 167.58 to 193

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
2 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
1 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 10:20 PM

I-84: MP 188.42 to 203.17
I-84, 21 miles West of Pendleton

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB & WB MP 187.50 to MP 204.00 (Stanfield) Effective March 1, 2025, this section of I-84 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 17 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 17 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is September 1, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 193 to 215.99

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
32 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:34 AM

I-84: MP 216 to 261

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
(Pendleton to La Grande) Cabbage Hill/Deadman Pass (Elev.3615') - Summit Blue Mountains (Elev. 4193')
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-84: MP 216 to 226

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
6 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:34 AM

I-84: MP 226 to 250

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snowing Hard and Continuously
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
25 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:36 AM

I-84: MP 226 to 216

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
6 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:34 AM

I-84: EB MP 228
I-84, 19 miles East of Pendleton

No to Minimum Delay
A disabled vehicle is creating a hazard, causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 11:59 PM

I-84: EB MP 229.19
I-84, 20 miles East of Pendleton

No to Minimum Delay
Burning is taking place along the highway causing no to minimum delays. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/06/2025 10:13 AM

I-84: WB MP 247.5
I-84, 12 miles West of La Grande

Lanes Affected
(Westbound) 3 Lanes
A crash has closed the road. Use an alternate route.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 12:56 AM

I-84: MP 250 to 261

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
26 F
New Snow
5 in.
Roadside Snow
10 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:38 AM

I-84: MP 250 to 226

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snowing Hard and Continuously
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
25 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:36 AM

I-84: MP 261 to 250

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
26 F
New Snow
5 in.
Roadside Snow
10 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:38 AM

I-84: WB MP 264.92
I-84, 4 miles East of La Grande

On Ramp
The ramp gate has been closed. Use alternate routes. Ramps Affected.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 1:10 AM

I-84: WB MP 265 to 224
I-84, 4 miles East of La Grande

The highway is closed due to crash. All Westbound lanes are closed. Use an alternate route. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
2/09/2025 1:15 AM

I-84: MP 266 to 280

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Ladd Canyon - La Grande to North Powder
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-84: MP 266 to 280

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
22 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
5 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:25 PM

I-84: MP 280 to 266

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
22 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
5 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:25 PM

I-84: MP 285 to 299.9

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Commercial Restrictions
Visibility of less than 500 feet. Oversized loads drive by your permit.
Current Temp
10 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
3 in.
areas of dense fog
Last Updated
2/09/2025 1:28 AM

I-84: MP 300 to 328

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Pleasant Valley - Baker City to Durkee
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-84: MP 300 to 328

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
1 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:28 PM

I-84: WB MP 303
I-84, Baker City

No to Minimum Delay
There is a pedestrian in the roadway creating a hazard and causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:13 PM

I-84: MP 328 to 352

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Durkee Interchange (Elev. 2700') to Farewell Bend (Elev. 2200')
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

I-84: MP 328 to 300

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
1 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:28 PM

I-84: MP 328 to 352

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snowing Hard and Continuously
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
2 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:32 PM

I-84: WB MP 332.8
I-84, 13 miles West of Huntington

No to Minimum Delay
A landslide has occurred causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/06/2025 12:38 PM

I-84: MP 335.61
I-84, 10 miles West of Huntington

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB & WB MP 335.57 to MP 335.58 (Weatherby) Effective March 10, 2025, this section of I-84 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width between the hours of 7 AM & 5 PM. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is March 19, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 337.26
I-84, 9 miles West of Huntington

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB & WB MP 337.09 to MP 337.10 (Weatherby) Effective March 10, 2025, this section of I-84 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width between the hours of 7 AM & 5 PM. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is March 19, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 350.2 to 355.77
I-84, 4 miles East of Huntington

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB & WB MP 350.00 to MP 356.00 (Huntington) Effective January 29, 2025, this section of I-84 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 17 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 17 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is January 31, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

I-84: MP 352 to 374

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
21 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
4 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:24 PM

I-84: MP 362.15
I-84, 15 miles West of Ontario

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
I-84 EB & WB MP 362.15 to MP 362.36 (Huntington) Effective March 17, 2025, this section of I-84 eastbound and westbound, will be restricted to 17 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 17 feet 00 inches in width can be accommodated on a case-by-case basis and/or up to 26 feet 00 inches in width can take Exit 362, and re-enter I-84 to avoid the restricted area. The estimated completion date for this work is April 4, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

US101: MP 9.8
US101, 3 miles South of Warrenton

Weather Impact
No to Minimum Delay
Winter conditions are occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/03/2025 9:26 PM

US101: MP 13 to 25
US101, 6 miles North of Gearhart

Maintenance Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane
Road maintenance operations are occurring. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:57 AM

US101: MP 55.28 to 55.97
US101, Garibaldi

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers.
Last Updated
2/04/2025 4:48 PM

US101: MP 98.85 to 104.2

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Cascade Head - just north of Neskowin Creek to just north of the Salmon River
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US101: MP 117.39 to 112.35
US101, Lincoln City

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 2 Lanes (Southbound) 2 Lanes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Expect lane closures and delays for ADA curb ramp construction. Only 1 lane will be closed at a time. From SW Beach Ave to NW West Devils Lake Road. Work could happen occasionally on Fridays. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
2/05/2025 7:43 AM

US101: NB MP 124.9 to 123.42
US101, 1 mile South of Lincoln Beach

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Expect lane closures and delays for ADA curb ramp construction. Only 1 lane will be closed at a time from North Fogarty Creek State Park (Road) to Lancer Street/Seagrove Drive. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
2/08/2025 6:03 PM

US101: MP 134
US101, 7 miles North of Newport

No to Minimum Delay
Sunken pavement is causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
1/04/2025 6:09 PM

US101: MP 219 to 222
US101, 3 miles North of Lakeside

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:13 PM

US101: MP 303 to 351
US101, 3 miles South of Port Orford

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:22 PM

US101: MP 305.2 to 305.7
US101, 5 miles South of Port Orford

No to Minimum Delay
Sunken pavement is causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
10/05/2024 10:38 AM

US101: MP 311.4
US101, 11 miles South of Port Orford

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
US101 MP 311.40 (Reinhart Creek Bridge - south of Port Orford) Effective March 1, 2017, US101 crossing the Reinhart Creek Bridge is restricted to 20,000 lbs. single axle, 34,000 lbs. tandem axle - 105,500 lbs. GVW, Weight Table 2 for divisible loads; 21,500 lbs. single axle, 43,000 lbs. tandem axle - 98,000 lbs. GVW, Weight Table 3 for non-divisible loads. Non-divisible loads exceeding these weights may cross the bridge if they stop oncoming traffic and straddle the centerline. Certified flaggers are required to stop oncoming traffic.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

US101: MP 312.1
US101, 12 miles South of Port Orford

No to Minimum Delay
Sunken pavement is causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
10/05/2024 10:34 AM

US101: MP 315.9
US101, 11 miles North of Wedderburn

Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Sunken grade. Prepare to slow.
Last Updated
1/19/2025 8:34 PM

US101: MP 327 to 330
US101, Wedderburn

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/20/2025 12:19 AM

US101: SB MP 332.5
US101, 4 miles South of Gold Beach

Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Southbound) 1 Lane
Sunken grade. Prepare to slow.
Last Updated
1/31/2025 4:12 PM

US101: MP 333 to 334
US101, 4 miles South of Gold Beach

Maintenance Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Road maintenance operations are occurring. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
1/14/2025 2:36 PM

US101: MP 355 to 358
US101, Brookings

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane , Shoulder (Southbound) 1 Lane , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/20/2025 12:19 AM

US101B: MP 7.1 to 5.7
US101B, Astoria

Maintenance Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Bridge work is occurring. Prepare to slow. We plan to start work in January 2025. When construction starts, you can expect: Crews working day and night. Nighttime single lane and shoulder closures as needed Sunday through Friday from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Flaggers helping direct traffic as needed. We're planning to start work first on the Old Youngs Bay Bridge, then the Astoria-Megler Bridge and finish on the New Youngs Bay Bridge. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/02/2025 6:04 PM

US197: MP 3.6

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
2 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:32 AM

US197: MP 45.09

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
2 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:32 AM

US199: MP 13.5 to 41.69

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Illinois Valley - (Siss's Gap Summit Elev. 1457') - Hayes Hill to OR/CA State Border
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US199: MP 14 to 17

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
4 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:03 PM

US20: MP 0.51 to 2.8
US20, 3rd Street (Bend)

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) , Shoulder (Eastbound) , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Crews will be performing a single lane closure on US20, east and west bound at MP 2.75, expect no delays. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/26/2025 4:43 PM

US20: MP 2.55 to 2.8
US20, 2 miles West of Intersection with Powell Butte Road

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
US20 EB & WB MP 2.55 to MP 3.10 (Bend) Effective February 18, 2025, this section of US20 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 15 feet 00 inches in width at all hours Sundays at 7 PM through Fridays at 7 PM. Loads over 15 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is April 1, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

US20: MP 17.3 to 18.3
US20, 1 mile North of Bend

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Contractor will be performing punch list work.
Last Updated
12/15/2024 5:53 PM

US20: MP 20.99
US20, 2 miles South of Intersection with The Dalles - California Highway US97

No to Minimum Delay
There is a pothole in the lane of travel causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/07/2025 2:06 PM

US20: MP 28.3 to 40.68

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Cline Hill (Elev. 770') (near Austin Creek) to Dudlee Hill (Elev. 860') (near Blodgett)
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US20: MP 44.57 to 47.89

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Wren Hill - Kings Valley Jct to South of Philomath
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US20: MP 52.5 to 88

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Tombstone Pass Summit (Elev. 4236')/Santiam Pass Summit (Elev. 4817') - Fernview Campground (Upper Soda) to east of Suttle Lake Loop Rd (USFS 2070)
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US20: MP 52.5 to 71.59

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Commercial Restrictions
Visibility of less than 500 feet. Oversized loads drive by your permit.
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
50 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:05 PM

US20: MP 71.59 to 88

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
3 in.
Roadside Snow
59 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:31 PM

US20: MP 88.2 to 91.75

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Sisters - Jack Lake Rd to just west of Black Butte Ranch
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US20: MP 88.2 to 100.12

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
26 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
5 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:28 AM

US20: MP 99.94
US20, Sisters

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
US20 MP 99.94 EB & WB (Sisters) Effective November 28, 2017, this section of US20 eastbound and westbound is restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. Loads wider than 14 feet 00 inches in width, may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

US20: MP 114.1 to 258.2
US20, Sage Hen Rest Area

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) , Shoulder (Eastbound) , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Construction of pullouts outside of shoulder with possible daytime shoulder closures.
Last Updated
12/22/2024 2:43 PM

US20: MP 132.51

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Black Ice
Current Temp
12 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
12 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:33 PM

US20: MP 154.2 to 166.6

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Stinkingwater Pass (Elev. 4848') - Just west of Buchanan to just west of Stinkingwater Creek Rd.
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US20: MP 155.88
US20, 17 miles West of Intersection with Drewsey Road

Informational only
Rest Area
The Buchanan Rest Area will be closed for the Winter Season.
Last Updated
11/04/2024 10:54 AM

US20: MP 161

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
15 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
32 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:34 PM

US20: MP 166.6 to 240

Road/Weather Report
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
18 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
8 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:34 PM

US20: MP 230.3 to 236.21

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Vines Hill Summit (Elev. 2886') - Just east of Little Valley to McLaughlin Ditch
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 2.73 to 2.74
US26, 3 miles East of I-405

Construction Work
Informational only
No traffic impacts. Project Description: We are improving safety for people walking, biking or rolling at the existing, striped crosswalk east of the intersection of U.S. 26 (SE Powell Boulevard) and SE 36th Avenue. Starting in early 2025, we begin construction to upgrade the currently unsignalized crosswalk on SE Powell Boulevard at SE 36th Avenue with a new pedestrian activated beacon, also known as a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon, or RRFB. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:24 PM

US26: MP 5.56 to 5.62
US26, Portland

Construction Work
Informational only
Road construction is or will be occurring. Use caution. Project description: We are creating safer and more accessible highway connections for all sidewalk users on U.S. 26 (SE Powell Boulevard). We are bringing sidewalk curb ramps into compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards on highways throughout Oregon, including on all corners of the intersection of U.S. 26 (SE Powell Boulevard) at SE 92nd Avenue. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/31/2024 11:14 AM

US26: MP 5.85 to 9.96
US26, Portland

Construction Work
Informational only
No traffic impacts.
Last Updated
1/13/2025 6:19 AM

US26: MP 9.72 to 35.11

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
David Douglas (Elev. 1642') - East of Necanicum Jct to Sand Shed near North Fork Wolf Creek Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 13
US26, 4 miles East of Necanicum

Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Sunken grade. Prepare to slow.
Last Updated
12/28/2024 2:49 PM

US26: MP 25.12 to 42.5

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Sandy to Zigzag
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 37.73 to 45.43

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Sunset Summit (Elev. 1174') - Timber Jct to Nehalem Hwy
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 37.73 to 45.43

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
28 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
4 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:02 PM

US26: MP 42.5 to 60

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
26 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
34 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:30 PM

US26: MP 47.75
US26, Manning

Future Event: No to Minimum Delay
Expected Start Date
2/11/2025 8:00:00 AM
Utility work is causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/05/2025 5:11 PM

US26: MP 52.9 to 57.3

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Ochoco Pass Summit WB (Elev. 4720') - Just west of the Ochoco National Forest Boundary to just west of Gage Creek Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 57.3 to 50

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
19 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
26 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:37 AM

US26: MP 59.57 to 75.5

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Blue Box Pass (Elev. 4025') & Warm Springs Jct - OR35 Jct to Warm Springs Jct
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 59.57 to 67

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
4 in.
Roadside Snow
4 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:35 AM

US26: MP 67 to 75.5

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
4 in.
Roadside Snow
4 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:35 AM

US26: MP 99 to 103

Road/Weather Report
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:29 AM

US26: MP 179.05 to 190.47

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Dixie Summit (Elev. 5277') - just east of Dixie View Rd to just east of Davis Creek Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 190.47 to 191.3

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
19 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
59 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:31 AM

US26: MP 191.3 to 204.7

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Blue Mountain Pass Summit - Austin (Elev, 5109') Just east of Jct. US26 OR7 to just east of FS 12
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 218.43 to 225.23

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Eldorado Summit (Elev. 4623') - just east of Clear Creek Rd to east of the viewpoint
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US26: MP 218.43 to 225.23

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
18 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
14 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:31 AM

US26: MP 231.12 to 253.84

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Brogan Hill Summit (Elev. 3981') - Ironside to just east of Logan Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US30: MP 0.75 to 0.33
US30, La Grande

US 30 is closed. Local freight and passenger vehicles only. No I-84 access for commercial motor vehicles.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 1:26 AM

US30: MP 3.94 to 6.51
US30, Portland

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Periodic daytime lane closures. Pedestrian detours. Bicycles use roadway travel lanes. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/13/2025 6:21 AM

US30: MP 11.93
HWY100, 5 miles East of Corbett

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
US30 (Historic Columbia River Hwy) MP 11.93 (Latourell Creek Bridge - east of Corbett) Effective June 18, 2020, US30 (Historic Columbia River Hwy) crossing Latourell Creek Bridge at MP 11.93 is restricted to the following weights: 27 tons for SU5 (5 axle single-unit truck); 28 tons for SU6 & SU7 vehicles (6 and 7 axle single-unit trucks).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

US30: MP 18.37 to 65.99

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
33 F
Roadside Snow
2 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:01 PM

US30: MP 23.15
US30, 2 miles East of Warren

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
US30 MP 23.15 (Honeyman Creek Bridge - west of Scappoose) Effective June 9, 2020, US30 crossing the Honeyman Creek Bridge at MP 23.15 is restricted to 16 tons on the inside and center lanes. Loads exceeding 16 tons must use the right lane on the bridge when crossing.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

US30: MP 48.31 to 61.01

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Rainier to Clatskanie
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US30: MP 49.07 to 50.98
US30, Hood River

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lane closures with flaggers directing traffic at 1st - 4th Street, 18th and at Front and State Street. Periodic side street closures during work hours. Lane closure hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, until 3 p.m. Friday. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:25 PM

US30: MP 57.84
US30, Mosier

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
US30 (Historic Columbia River Hwy) MP 57.84 (Mosier Creek Bridge - Mosier) Effective December 17, 2019, US30 (Historic Columbia River Hwy) crossing Mosier Creek Bridge at MP 57.84 is restricted to the following weights: 36 tons for SU7 (7 axle single-unit trucks).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

US30: MP 72.32 to 76.76

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Bradley Hill (Clatsop Crest Summit Elev. 655') - just east of Driscoll Slough Road to west of Shingle Mill Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US30BY: MP 0.4 to 0.6
US30BP, Intersection with Lower Columbia River Highway US30

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
No traffic impacts. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/29/2024 7:54 PM

US30BY: WB MP 0.42
US30BP, Intersection with Lower Columbia River Highway US30

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Paving and flagging on NE Lombard St between N Syracuse and N Leavitt. 7pm-5am Sept. and Oct. N Philadelphia St closes at N Ivanhoe during nightwork. Nighttime paving and traffic holds with flagging on NE Lombard St between N Syracuse and N Leavitt Ave. 7pm-5am Sept. and Oct. N Philadelphia St closes at N Ivanhoe during nightwork.
Last Updated
9/09/2024 1:33 PM

US30BY: MP 1.29 to 14.7
US30BP, 1 mile East of Intersection with Lower Columbia River Highway US30

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
lane closures between NE 22nd to NE 75th. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:30 PM

US395: MP 3
US395, Pendleton

No to Minimum Delay
Animals are on the roadway are causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 12:47 AM

US395: MP 3 to 15

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Current Temp
31 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:34 AM

US395: MP 10.27 to 18.27

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Canyon Mountain (Elev. 5152') - north of South Vance Rd to just south of Swick Creek Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US395: MP 10.3 to 18.27

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
14 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
18 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:27 PM

US395: MP 11 to 13
US395, 4 miles North of Pilot Rock

No to Minimum Delay
Animals are on the roadway are causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:14 PM

US395: MP 33.6 to 42.5

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Battle Mountain Summit (Elev. 4270') - Webb Slough to Corral Creek
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US395: MP 33.6 to 42.5

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
20 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
16 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:32 AM

US395: MP 35.76
US395, 1 mile South of Silvies

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) , Shoulder (Southbound) , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Work on outside shoulder. Expect daytime shoulder closures.
Last Updated
12/31/2024 5:40 PM

US395: MP 47.3 to 59.6

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Devine Summit (Elev. 5340') - Just west of the Malheur National Forest to the east end of Devine Canyon
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US395: MP 47.3 to 59.6

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
7 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
36 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:32 PM

US395: MP 65 to 82.9

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Meadow Brook Summit (Elev. 4127') - Dale to Ritter Butte Summit (Elev. 3993')
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US395: MP 65 to 82.9

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
20 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
15 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:32 AM

US395: MP 90.49 to 97.34

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Long Creek - just south of 3rd St to north of Jack Vaughn Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US395: MP 93.2
US395, 4 miles South of Long Creek

Informational only
Rest Area
The rest area is closed for the season.
Last Updated
11/13/2024 11:25 AM

US395: MP 142.64

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
16 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
4 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:08 PM

US395: MP 154
US395, 4 miles North of Oregon - California Border

No to Minimum Delay
High water is causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/04/2025 8:02 PM

US95: MP 0 to 9

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Succor Creek (Elev. 4643') - OR/ID Border to Thomas Creek Rd (ODOT Stockpile Site)
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US95: MP 0 to 22

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
22 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
5 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:35 PM

US95: MP 51.4 to 53.54

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Rome Hill - north of Owyhee Rd to south of Rome Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US95: MP 66.18 to 121.36

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
13 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
3 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:35 PM

US95: MP 91.36 to 102.89

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Blue Mountain Pass Summit (Elev. 5293') - just north of the ODOT Maintenance Station to south of the ODOT Stockpile Site
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US97: MP 2
US97, 1 mile South of Biggs Junction

No to Minimum Delay
A hazardous materials event has occurred causing minimal delay. Use caution.
Last Updated
1/12/2025 8:34 PM

US97: MP 17.96

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
28 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:36 AM

US97: MP 56.04

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
28 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:36 AM

US97: MP 67.7 to 80.9

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:29 AM

US97: MP 73.4 to 67.7

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Cow Canyon NB - Just south of jct with ORE293 to just south of Shaniko Junction
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US97: MP 101.5 to 102.5
US97, 7 miles South of Madras

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder (Southbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Watch for traffic pattern change.
Last Updated
1/13/2025 4:32 PM

US97: MP 114.56 to 116.56
US97, 1 mile North of Terrebonne

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) , Shoulder (Southbound) , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Crews will be working on the retaining walls on the East and West sides of the highway around Lower Bridge way. Smith Rock way is reopened and flaggers will be used to control traffic and complete the remaining work. No highway delays are expected. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/26/2025 4:48 PM

US97: MP 122.81
US97, Intersection with McKenzie Highway ORE126

No to Minimum Delay
A crash has occurred with minimal delay to traffic. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
12/07/2024 5:51 PM

US97: MP 130 to 145.48

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
26 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
4 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:29 AM

US97: MP 133.6 to 135.8
US97, 1 mile North of Bend

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder (Southbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Contractor will be performing punch list work between Grandview and Cooley and Empire. Contractor will be performing electrical punch list work on the existing 97 business park. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/23/2024 2:32 AM

US97: MP 145.48 to 155.5

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
20 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
8 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:30 AM

US97: MP 146.1 to 155.5

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Lava Butte SB - South of Bend ODOT Weight Station to Lambertiana & Vandevert Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US97: MP 172.19 to 196.42

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Slush, Snow Pack Breaking Up
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
19 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
6 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:10 PM

US97: MP 196.42 to 236.66

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
18 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
28 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:10 PM

US97: MP 240.5 to 243.4

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Chiloquin - Just south of Kirk Agency Rd FS #6210 to just north of Block Five Rd FS #9730 near Collier Memorial State Park
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

US97: MP 240.5 to 243.4

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Slush, Snow Pack Breaking Up
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
17 F
New Snow
4 in.
Roadside Snow
24 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:06 PM

US97: MP 252.44 to 278.81
US97, 22 miles North of Klamath Falls

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 2 Lanes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Bridge work on USBR Bridge at MP 273.71, Link River Bridge at MP 275.03, and the Green Spring Bridge at MP 277.12. USBR Bridge at MP 273.71: Bridge work will be done under the bridge, no delays expected. Link River Bridge at MP 275.03: Lane shift traffic control installed on Main Street, bridge work will be done behind the barrier, no delays expected. Conger Avenue is closed for thru traffic, detour in place. OR140 at the Green Springs Bridge: Lane shift traffic control installed, bridge work will be done behind the barrier, no delays expected.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:09 PM

US97: MP 253.9 to 280.16

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
14 F
New Snow
3 in.
Roadside Snow
7 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:07 PM

ORE11: MP 0 to 35.32

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
31 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
1 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:35 AM

ORE126: MP 0 to 13

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Clearlake-Belknap Springs - US20 to OR242
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE126: MP 0.22 to 13.5
ORE126, Redmond

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) , Shoulder (Eastbound) , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. The contractor will be performing shoulder closures to work on the Irrigation access roads at MP 3.5, expect minor delays. The traffic control which includes single and temporary signals for the Irrigation crossing work is anticipated to begin in February. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/26/2025 4:46 PM

ORE126: MP 3.04
ORE126, 2 miles East of Redmond

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR126 EB & WB MP 3.00 to MP 3.20 (Redmond) Effective February 2, 2025, this section of OR126 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. The estimated completion date for this work is March 3, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE126: MP 3.04
ORE126, 2 miles East of Redmond

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR126 EB & WB MP 3.04 (Redmond) Effective February 2, 2025, this section of OR126 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 16 feet 8 inches in height at all hours. The estimated completion date for this work is March 3, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE126: MP 10.73
ORE126, 4 miles East of Powell Butte

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR126 EB & WB MP 10.40 to MP 10.60 (Powell Butte) Effective March 3, 2025, this section of OR126 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 15 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. The estimated completion date for this work is March 31, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE126: MP 19.68
ORE126, 5 miles East of Mapleton

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR126 EB & WB MP 19.80 (Knowles Creek Tunnel - Mapleton) Effective February 19, 2025, this section of OR126 eastbound and westbound will be closed on Wednesday morning for an hour 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM and then closed again for an hour on Thursday night 4 PM to 5 PM. The estimated completion date for this work is February 20, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE126: MP 19.8
ORE126, 5 miles East of Mapleton

Construction Work
Future Event: Estimated delay of 20 minutes - 2 hours
Expected Start Date
2/19/2025 7:45:00 AM
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) 1 Lane (Eastbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Removal of slide debris above the west entrance to the Knowles Creek Tunnel. Wednesday morning and Thursday evening the road will be closed for an hour to set up a crane to deliver equipment above the tunnel. After the initial closure, traffic will be stopped for 20 minutes at a time to safely remove debris.
Last Updated
2/05/2025 6:01 AM

ORE126: MP 50.7 to 55.6

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
McKenzie Bridge - McKenzie Bridge to OR126 jct
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE131: MP 1.6
ORE131, 2 miles East of Oceanside

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) 1 Lane (Eastbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
12/30/2024 5:11 PM

ORE131: MP 8.33
ORE131, Tillamook

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR131 MP 8.33 (Trask River Bridge - Tillamook) Effective July 23, 2024, OR131 crossing Trask River Bridge at MP 8.33 is restricted to 14 tons for all vehicles.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE138: MP 49
ORE138, 32 miles East of Glide

Estimated delay under 20 minutes
A landslide has occurred. Prepare to slow. Both lanes are currently open, but slow down in the area as the lanes are narrow.
Last Updated
2/02/2025 8:38 PM

ORE138: MP 58 to 100.82

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
North Umpqua - Toketee to US97 Intersection
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE138: MP 58 to 83

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
8 in.
Chains required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:05 PM

ORE138: MP 83 to 100.82

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
117 in.
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:29 PM

ORE140: MP 3.74 to 4.75
ORE140, Klamath Falls

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:09 PM

ORE140: MP 4.75

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
16 F
New Snow
5 in.
Roadside Snow
44 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:09 PM

ORE140: MP 21 to 41
ORE140, 21 miles East of Intersection with Crater Lake Highway ORE62

Weather Impact
No to Minimum Delay
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Last Updated
2/02/2025 10:23 AM

ORE140: MP 21 to 45

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Lake of the Woods (Elev. 5105') - Medford to Klamath Falls
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE140: MP 21 to 45

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
21 F
New Snow
4 in.
Roadside Snow
68 in.
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:06 PM

ORE140: MP 21.5
ORE140, 22 miles East of Intersection with Crater Lake Highway ORE62

Weather Impact
Informational only
Watch out for icing conditions near Lake of the Woods. ODOT has posted signs on the roadway nearby. MP21.5-41.5
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:41 PM

ORE140: MP 30.93

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
11 F
New Snow
5 in.
Roadside Snow
13 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:08 PM

ORE140: MP 51 to 57

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Doak Mountain Summit (Elev. 4776') - Near Denny Creek to just west of Aspen Lake Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE140: MP 51 to 57

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Slush, Snow Pack Breaking Up
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
14 F
New Snow
6 in.
Roadside Snow
28 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:06 PM

ORE140: MP 57 to 63
ORE140, 10 miles West of Klamath Falls

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) 1 Lane (Eastbound) 1 Lane
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:25 PM

ORE140: MP 58.7
ORE140, 8 miles West of Klamath Falls

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR140 EB & WB MP 56.92 to MP 58.75 (Klamath Falls) Effective March 1, 2025 this section of OR140 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width Monday through Friday between the hours of 6 AM & 7 PM. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is October 10, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE140: MP 58.7
ORE140, 8 miles West of Klamath Falls

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR140 EB & WB MP 56.92 to MP 58.75 (Klamath Falls) Effective March 1, 2025, , this section of OR140 eastbound and westbound will be restricted to 16 feet 6 inches in height Monday through Friday between the hours of 6 AM & 7 PM. Loads over 16 feet 6 inches in height may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is October 10, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE140: MP 66.73

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
15 F
New Snow
8 in.
Roadside Snow
35 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:08 PM

ORE141: MP 4.25 to 4.44
ORE141, Tigard

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR141 (Hall Blvd) NB & SB MP 4.25 to MP 4.50 (Tigard) Effective March 4, 2024, this section of OR141 (Hall Boulevard) will be closed at all hours. The estimated completion date for this work is January 15, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE141: MP 4.69 to 4.73
ORE141, Tigard

Lanes Affected
(Northbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder (Southbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder
Hall Boulevard is closed where it passes over OR 217 in Tigard, at Pfaffle Street. Use Greenburg Road as a detour route. The Hall Boulevard overpass over OR 217 near OR 99W and Pfaffle Street in Tigard is closed for nine months, starting in March 2024. The intersection of Pfaffle Street and Hall Boulevard is also closed. Drivers are not permitted to turn onto Hall Boulevard from Pfaffle Street or turn onto Pfaffle Street from Hall Boulevard. All vehicle traffic should use the signed detour using Greenburg Road. People walking and bicycling will still be able to cross OR 217 via a temporary pedestrian bridge. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
3/11/2024 11:33 AM

ORE141: MP 7.07 to 3.3
ORE141, Tigard

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
No traffic impacts. We are improving crosswalks, signs, signals, striping and lighting on Hall Boulevard between SW Locust Street and SW Durham Road and at the intersection with SW Greenburg Road. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:31 PM

ORE164: MP 6.27
ORE164, Jefferson

Maintenance Work
No to Minimum Delay
Bridge construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Be aware of pedestrian detours. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/06/2024 6:21 PM

ORE173: MP 0.12 to 5.49

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Timberline - US26/Government Camp to Timberline Lodge
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE173: MP 0.12 to 5.49

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
22 F
New Snow
3 in.
Roadside Snow
108 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:31 PM

ORE18: MP 12 to 18

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Van Duzer Corridor - (Murphy Hill Summit Elev. 760') Just west of Bear Creek thru the Van Duzer Corridor
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE18: MP 44.25 to 45.19
ORE18, McMinnville

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR18 EB & WB MP 44.00 to MP 45.25 (McMinnville) Effective February 24, 2025, this section of OR18 eastbound and westbound will be intermittently restricted to 11 feet 00 inches in width at night between the hours of 7 PM & 7 AM. Loads over 11 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is February 28, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE19: MP 0.55 to 0.57
ORE19, Arlington

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR19 NB & SB MP 0.57 to MP 0.58 (Arlington) Effective February 8, 2025, this section of OR19 northbound and southbound will be closed half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset. The estimated completion date for this emergency rail work is February 10, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE19: MP 1
ORE19, Arlington

Maintenance Work
Railroad maintenance operations are occurring. Use an alternate route.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 11:43 AM

ORE19: MP 22.1 to 73.6

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
23 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
1 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:32 AM

ORE19: MP 84.4
ORE19, 6 miles South of Service Creek

No to Minimum Delay
A rock fall has occurred causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
1/15/2025 3:27 PM

ORE19: MP 116
ORE19, 9 miles North of Intersection with US26

No to Minimum Delay
A rock fall has occurred causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/06/2025 3:54 PM

ORE200: MP 19.28
ORE200, Intersection with Florence - Eugene Highway ORE126

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR200 (Territorial Hwy/Old Hwy 200) MP 19.28 (Long Tom Overflow Bridge - Veneta) Effective July 23, 2024, the state owned bridge on a county road crossing over Long Tom Overflow Bridge is restricted to 20,000 lbs. single axle, 34,000 lbs. tandem axle, 105,500 lbs. GVW. Weight Table 2 for divisible loads; 21,500 lbs. single axle, 43,000 lbs. tandem axle, 98,000 lbs. GVW., Weight Table 3 for non-divisible loads.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE202: MP 19.04 to 23.03

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Nehalem - (Tidewater Summit Elev. 1221') Copperage Road (FS) to Swede Road (FS)
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE204: MP 0.4 to 10.58

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Weston Mountain (Elev. 3200') - Intersection with OR11 to Tollgate
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE204: MP 0.4 to 10.58

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
8 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:35 AM

ORE204: MP 10.59 to 39.45

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Blue Mountain Summit (Elev. 5158') - Tollgate to Elgin
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE204: MP 10.59 to 39.45

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
21 F
New Snow
3 in.
Roadside Snow
107 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:28 PM

ORE204: MP 39 to 0.1
ORE204, 1 mile West of Elgin

Lanes Affected
(Westbound) 1 Lane
OR 204 is closed. Local freight and passenger vehicles only. No I-84 access for commercial motor vehicles.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 1:18 AM

ORE204: MP 39.45 to 10.59

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW
Current Temp
21 F
New Snow
3 in.
Roadside Snow
107 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:28 PM

ORE205: MP 58.25 to 60.5

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
"P" Hill Summit (Elev. 4822') - just north of Fish Lake Rd to just east of the summit
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE207: MP 4.3 to 36

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Heppner-Spray Mountain (Elev. 4612')
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE207: MP 4.3 to 36

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
20 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:05 AM

ORE211: MP 11.8
ORE211, Molalla

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Shoulder closures and pedestrian detours.
Last Updated
10/20/2024 1:29 PM

ORE211: MP 14 to 22
ORE211, Molalla

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Periodic daytime lane closures. Project Description: The Oregon Department of Transportation designated eight miles of OR 211 from Molalla to Colton (milepost 14.0 to 22.0) as a Safety Corridor in October 2021 in response to high crash rates. ODOT builds safety improvements in 2024 to reduce crashes with new signage, striping, lighting and rumble strips. Website:
Last Updated
1/31/2025 12:35 PM

ORE213: MP 2.23
ORE213, Portland

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR213 (82nd Ave/Old Hwy 213) MP 2.24 crossing over railroad and light rail (Portland) Effective July 23, 2024, the state owned bridge on a city street (82nd Ave.) crossing over railroad and light rail is restricted to the following weights: 29 tons for SU5 & SU6 (5 and 6 axle single-unit truck); 31 tons for SU7 (7 axle single-unit truck).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE213: MP 7.23 to 7.41
ORE213, Portland

Construction Work
Informational only
No traffic impacts. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/01/2024 6:15 AM

ORE213: MP 7.25 to 8.41
ORE213, Portland

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR213 NB & SB MP 7.25 to MP 8.45 (Portland) Effective April 1, 2025, this section of OR213 northbound and southbound will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is August 14, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE213: MP 7.25 to 8.41
ORE213, Portland

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR213 NB & SB MP 7.25 to MP 8.45 (Portland) Effective April 1, 2025, this section of OR213 northbound and southbound will be intermittently restricted to 10 feet 00 inches in width Sunday through Thursday nights between the hours of 7 PM & 7 AM, Friday and Saturday nights between the hours of 9 PM and 8 AM. Loads over 10 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is August 14, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE217: SB MP 2 to 6
ORE217, 2 miles South of US 26

Construction Work
Estimated delay of 20 minutes - 2 hours
Single lane closures on Hall Blvd. Ongoing closures: Hall Boulevard over OR 217 in Tigard is closed until early 2025 to replace the bridge. Auxiliary lane closures on OR 217 south from Scholls Ferry Road to OR 99W and on OR 217 north from Scholls Ferry Road to Denney Road. Expect shoulder closures on OR 217, various on- and off-ramps, and on local roads near the highway ramps. Various on- and off-ramps temporarily narrowed. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:34 PM

ORE217: MP 2.26
ORE217, 2 miles South of US 26

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR217 SB Exit 2B on- and off-ramps to/from Allen Blvd (Beaverton) Effective January 1, 2022, the OR217 southbound Exit 2B on- and off-ramps to/from Allen Boulevard will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this project is February 28, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE217: MP 3.56
ORE217, 4 miles South of US 26

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR217 SB Exit 4A off-ramp to Hall Blvd (Beaverton) Effective January 24, 2022, the OR217 southbound Exit 4A off-ramp to Hall Boulevard will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this project is May 30, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE217: MP 3.83
ORE217, 4 miles South of US 26

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR217 SB on-ramp from Hall Blvd (Beaverton) Effective January 19, 2022, the OR217 southbound on-ramp from Hall Boulevard will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this project is February 9, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE217: MP 4.12 to 4.51
ORE217, 4 miles South of US 26

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR217 SB Exit 4B on- and off-ramps to/from OR210/Scholls Ferry Rd (Beaverton) Effective January 19, 2022, the OR217 southbound Exit 4B on- and off-ramps to/from OR210/Scholls Ferry Road will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this project is January 29, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE217: MP 4.741
ORE217, 5 miles South of US 26

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR217 NB Exit 5 on-ramp from Greenburg Rd (Tigard) Effective August 15, 2023, the OR217 northbound Exit 5 on-ramp from Greenburg Road will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is May 30, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE217: MP 4.78 to 5.17
ORE217, 5 miles South of US 26

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR217 SB on-ramp from Greenburg Rd (Beaverton) Effective January 26, 2022, the OR217 southbound on-ramp from Greenburg Road will be intermittently restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 14 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this project is August 31, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE217: MP 5.69
ORE217, 6 miles South of US 26

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR217 SB Exit 6 off-ramp to OR99W (Tigard) Effective November 4, 2022, the OR217 southbound Exit 6 off-ramp to OR99W will be restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. The estimated completion date for this work is August 31, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE22: MP 32 to 73

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Gates City Limit to Marion Forks
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE22: MP 66.23 to 73

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Slush, Snow Pack Breaking Up
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
31 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
7 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 9:02 PM

ORE22: MP 73 to 81.74

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
28 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
25 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:31 PM

ORE223: MP 0 to 4.83
ORE223, Intersection with Willamina - Salem Highway ORE22

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Traffic Impact - Expect shoulder and lane closures as needed. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
11/08/2024 5:18 PM

ORE224: MP 49.911
ORE224, Ripplebrook Ranger Station

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR224 MP 49.91 (Clackamas River Bridge - Ripplebrook) Effective October 28, 2019, OR224 crossing Clackamas River Bridge at MP 49.91 is restricted to the following weights: 28 tons for SU5 and SU6 vehicles (5 and 6 axle single-unit trucks); 29 tons for SU7 (7 axle single-unit trucks).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE230: MP 0 to 23.8

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
West Diamond Lake - OR62 to OR138
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE230: MP 0 to 23.8

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
120 in.
Chains required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:05 PM

ORE238: MP 28 to 33

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
29 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
12 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:03 PM

ORE238: WB MP 38.75
ORE238, Intersection with Rogue Valley Highway ORE99

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) 2 Lanes , Shoulder (Eastbound) 2 Lanes , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Watch for intermittent lane closures through the work zone, Sunday night – Friday morning and possible shoulder/turning lane closures during the day. OR-99 (MP 4.36-5.71), OR-238 (MP 37.63-38.75), Hwy 62 (MP 0.91). <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:14 PM

ORE242: MP 61.91 to 83.71
ORE242, 7 miles East of Intersection with McKenzie Highway ORE126

Seasonal Closure
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder (Eastbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder
The highway is closed for the season. Use an alternate route. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
11/06/2024 8:59 AM

ORE244: MP 16 to 32

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Current Temp
19 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
18 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 12:49 AM

ORE27: MP 27.23
ORE27, 15 miles North of Intersection with Central Oregon Highway US20

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR27 MP 27.23 (Bear Creek Bridge - south of Prineville) Effective May 27, 2021, OR27 crossing Bear Creek Bridge is restricted to the following weights: 34 tons for SU6 vehicles (6 axle single-unit trucks); 35 tons for SU7 (7 axle single-unit trucks).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE273: MP 0 to 12
ORE273, Intersection with Green Springs Highway ORE66

Weather Impact
Conditional Closure
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 1 Lane (Southbound) 1 Lane
Winter driving conditions has closed the road to most travelers. Use an alternate route. Open to local traffic only.
Last Updated
2/06/2025 11:02 AM

ORE273: MP 0 to 7.5

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
17 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
90 in.
Chains required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:04 PM

ORE3: MP 15.72

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snowing Hard and Continuously
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Current Temp
28 F
New Snow
4 in.
Roadside Snow
43 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:33 PM

ORE31: MP 27 to 29

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Horse Ranch - Just north of Fort Rock Jct
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE31: MP 60.6 to 66.2

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Picture Rock Pass SB (Elev. 4830') - Just west of Weaver Rd to Just east of Summer Lake
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE31: MP 60.6 to 66.2

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
19 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
12 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:09 PM

ORE34: EB MP 0.12
ORE34, Intersection with Pacific Highway West ORE99W

Maintenance Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Eastbound) 1 Lane
Bridge work is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution. Temporary detour bridge is in use. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
11/25/2024 7:00 PM

ORE34: MP 45.59 to 53.08

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Alsea Summit (Elev. 1230') - Cabin Creek Road to Botkin Road (5 miles south of Philomath)
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE34: MP 58.43
ORE34, Intersection with Corvallis - Newport Highway US20

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR34 EB & WB MP 58.43 (Mary's River Bridge - Philomath) Effective January 7, 2025, OR34 crossing the Mary's River Bridge is restricted to the following weights: 30 tons for SU6 (6-axle single unit truck) and 32 tons for SU7 (7-axle single unit truck).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE35: EB MP 57.47 to 57.68
US26, Intersection with Mount Hood Highway OR35

Construction Work
Informational only
No traffic impacts. Construction is paused for winter. Project Description: This project will resurface the bridge deck on the Oregon Highway 35 overpass at U.S. 26 (Mt. Hood Highway) interchange in Mt. Hood, east of Government Camp. Making these repairs now increases the service life of the road and provides a smoother, safer ride for travelers. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
10/27/2024 12:02 PM

ORE35: MP 60 to 83.56

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
White River - Jct US26 to ODOT Maintenance Station
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE35: MP 60 to 62

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
41 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:31 PM

ORE35: MP 62 to 68

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
24 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
67 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:33 PM

ORE35: MP 68 to 83.55

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
33 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
5 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:34 PM

ORE35: MP 101.82

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Bare Pavement
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
37 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
0 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:34 PM

ORE351: MP 1.5
ORE351, 1 mile South of Joseph

No to Minimum Delay
A crash has occurred with minimal delay to traffic. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 12:29 AM

ORE42: MP 6 to 8
ORE42, 6 miles West of Coquille

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Eastbound) , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/30/2025 3:13 PM

ORE42: MP 48 to 62

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
36 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:04 PM

ORE43: MP 8 to 9
ORE43, 6 miles South of Portland

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Lane and shoulder closures on OR43 at Marylhurst Drive. Use caution and watch for workers. Lane and shoulder closures on OR43 at Marylhurst Drive for intersection improvement project. Use caution and watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 8:55 AM

ORE47: MP 0 to 11.71

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
OR202 Jct - (Clatskanie Mountain Summit Elev. 1347') Clatskanie to Mist
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE47: MP 88.05
ORE47, 1 mile North of Forest Grove

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR47 MP 88.05 NB & SB (Forest Grove) Effective September 27, 2016, this section of OR47 northbound and southbound is restricted to 14 feet 00 inches in width and/or 135 feet 00 inches in overall length. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed provided the base width does not exceed 14 feet 00 inches in width. Loads wider than 14 feet and/or 135 feet overall length may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE53: MP 17.76
ORE53, 1 mile North of Intersection with Oregon Coast Highway US101

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR53 MP 17.76 NB & SB (Nehalem River Bridge - Nehalem) Effective May 27, 2021, OR53 crossing Nehalem River Bridge is restricted to 20,000 single axle, 34,000 lbs. tandem axle, 105,500 lbs. GVW, Weight Table 2 for combinations; 34 tons for SU7 (7 axle single-unit trucks).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE540: MP 1.6 to 1.9
ORE540, North Bend

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 2 Lanes (Southbound) 2 Lanes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:20 PM

ORE551: MP 0.59
ORE551, 1 mile South of Intersection with Pacific Highway I-5

Estimated delay under 20 minutes
A crash has occurred. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:52 AM

ORE58: MP 38 to 38.5
ORE58, 3 miles East of Oakridge

Maintenance Work
Informational only
Bridge work is or will be occurring. Prepare to slow. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/18/2024 7:34 PM

ORE58: MP 48.7 to 69.52

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Willamette Pass Summit (Elev. 5128') - East of McCreadie Springs to Odell Lake
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE58: MP 48.7 to 69.52

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
26 F
Roadside Snow
64 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:40 PM

ORE58: MP 77.42 to 70

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Willamette Pass East EB - Odell Butte to Crescent Lake Jct
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE58: MP 77.42 to 70

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snowing Hard and Continuously
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
25 F
New Snow
1 in.
Roadside Snow
28 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:10 PM

ORE6: MP 16.06 to 37.5

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Wilson River Summit (Elev. 1610') - Jordan Creek to Timber Jct.
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE6: MP 16.06 to 37.5

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
32 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
12 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 10:47 PM

ORE62: MP 44 to 55

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Just east of the Rogue River to Union Creek
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE62: MP 45.32 to 55

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Slush, Snow Pack Breaking Up
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
10 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:04 PM

ORE62: MP 55 to 65.45

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
27 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
54 in.
Chains required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:05 PM

ORE66: MP 6.5 to 50.6
ORE66, 6 miles East of Ashland

Weather Impact
No to Minimum Delay
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) 1 Lane (Eastbound) 1 Lane
Winter conditions are occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution. Chains required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 2:41 PM

ORE66: MP 8 to 41
ORE66, 7 miles East of Ashland

Weather Impact
No to Minimum Delay
Traction Tires alone are not sufficient. Chains required on all vehicles excluding four-wheel drive vehicles unless towing.
Last Updated
2/02/2025 3:41 PM

ORE66: MP 9 to 41

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Green Springs Summit (Elev. 4551'), Parker Mountain Pass (Elev. 4656'), and Hayden Mountain Summit (Elev. 4695') - Ashland to Keno
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE66: MP 9 to 41

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Clear, no precipitation
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Current Temp
30 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
50 in.
Chains required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:04 PM

ORE7: MP 0.07 to 25

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Tipton Summit (Elev. 5124') and Larch Summit (Elev. 5082') - Near the jct with US26 to the jct of ORE410
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE7: MP 0.07 to 25

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
19 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
59 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:31 AM

ORE7: MP 33 to 36.4

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
17 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
31 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:32 PM

ORE7: MP 36.4 to 33

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Mason Dam Hill SB - Whitman National Forest to west of Hwy 245 Jct
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE78: MP 22
ORE78, 6 miles North of Crane

No to Minimum Delay
A crash has occurred with minimal delay to traffic. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Last Updated
2/07/2025 9:34 AM

ORE78: MP 54.69 to 66.17

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Folly Farm (Elev. 5087') - south of Malheur Caves Rd to south of Crowley-Riverside Rd
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

ORE8: WB MP 2.91 to 7.29
ORE8, Highway 217

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Installing overhead and underground fiber optic cable on OR 8 from 198th Ave to?OR 217. Temporary lane, shoulder and sidewalk closures day and night. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
2/05/2025 11:18 AM

ORE8: MP 4.9 to 6.45
ORE8, 2 miles West of Highway 217

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
No traffic impacts. Project Description: This project improves safety for people walking, rolling and bicycling by installing a crosswalk with a pedestrian-activated flashing beacon at the intersection of OR 8 at SW 174th Avenue in Aloha and a buffered bicycle lane from SW 153rd Drive to SW 182nd Avenue. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/25/2025 7:31 PM

ORE8: MP 5 to 7
ORE8, 2 miles West of Highway 217

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers.
Last Updated
1/22/2025 4:23 PM

ORE82: MP 13
ORE82, 1 mile East of Imbler

No to Minimum Delay
Animals are on the roadway are causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Last Updated
1/26/2025 3:56 PM

ORE82: MP 33

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Pavement Condition
Packed Snow
Current Temp
23 F
New Snow
2 in.
Roadside Snow
8 in.
Areas of black ice from milepost 3-20
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:29 PM

ORE82: MP 39.53
ORE82, 6 miles East of Minam

An unconfirmed report of hazardous debris has been received. Use caution.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 1:17 AM

ORE82: MP 63.95

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
20 F
New Snow
Roadside Snow
14 in.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 8:33 PM

ORE86: MP 40.64
ORE86, Richland

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR86 MP 40.64 (Eagle Creek Bridge - Richland) Effective October 20, 2016, all single-trip permit holders over continuous trip permit weights must stop all traffic, straddle centerline, and be the only vehicle on bridge when crossing.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE86: MP 47.24

Weather Warning
Informational only
Weather Condition
Snow Flurries
Pavement Condition
Spots of Ice
Current Temp
31 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
1 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 3:37 AM

ORE99: MP -0.36
ORE99W, Portland

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR99W MP -0.36 (Steel Bridge - Portland) Effective July 23, 2024, OR99W crossing the Steel Bridge in Portland is restricted to the following weights: 20,000 lbs. single axle, 34,000 lbs. tandem axle, 105,500 lbs. GVW, Weight Table 2 for divisible loads; 21,500 lbs. single axle, 43,000 lbs. tandem axle, 98,000 lbs. GVW, Weight Table 3 for non-divisible loads.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE99: MP 1.41
ORE99W, I-405 South Interchange

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR99W (Pacific Hwy) MP 1.41 (Arthur Street Bridge - Portland) OR99W crossing Arthur Street Bridge at MP 1.41 is restricted to the following weights: 33 tons for SU6 (6 axle single-unit trucks); and 34 tons for SU7 (7 axle single-unit trucks).
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE99: MP 3.14
ORE99, 2 miles North of Creswell

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR99 NB & SB MP 3.14 (Camas Swale Bridge - Goshen) Effective January 7, 2025, the Camas Swale Bridge will be restricted to 35 tons for SU7 (7 axle single-unit trucks); 20,000 lbs. single axle, 34,000 lbs. tandem axle, 105,500 GVW, Weight Table 2.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE99: MP 10.2 to 11.25
ORE99, 1 mile North of Phoenix

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Northbound) 2 Lanes , Shoulder (Southbound) 2 Lanes , Shoulder
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Watch for intermittent lane closures through the work zone, Monday – Friday as utility work is taking place.
Last Updated
1/28/2025 10:13 PM

ORE99: MP 11.81
ORE99E, Oregon City

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR99E NB off-ramp to I-205 NB (Oregon City) Effective September 30, 2023, the OR99E Northbound off-ramp to I-205 northbound will be restricted to 18 feet 00 inches in width at all hours. Loads over 18 feet 00 inches in width may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit for information. The estimated completion date for this work is December 31, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE99: MP 15.93 to 16.67
ORE99W, Sherwood

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR99W NB & SB MP 16.00 to MP 16.60 (Sherwood) Effective March 7, 2025, this section of OR99W northbound and southbound will be closed all weekend, beginning Friday at 9 PM through Monday at 5 AM. The estimated completion date for this work is March 10, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE99: MP 24.67
ORE99E, Aurora

Commercial Vehicle Information
Informational only
OR99E NB & SB MP 24.50 to MP 24.80 (Aurora) Effective February 18, 2025, this section of OR99E northbound and southbound will be closed at night between the hours of 9 PM & 5 AM. The estimated completion date for this work is February 21, 2025.
Last Updated
2/08/2025 7:00 PM

ORE99E: NB MP 5.72 to 8
ORE99E, 1 mile South of Milwaukie

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
No traffic impacts. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/05/2025 6:17 AM

ORE99E: MP 20.3 to 21.8
ORE99E, Canby

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
No traffic impacts. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
11/11/2024 6:01 AM

ORE99EB: NB MP 4.36 to 4.84
99EBus, Salem, Intersection with Market St

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
2/03/2025 8:37 AM

ORE99W: MP 3.25 to 3.65
ORE99W, Intersection with Beaverton - Hillsdale Highway ORE10

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Nighttime lane closures and flagging to pave two bridges on OR 99W.
Last Updated
9/26/2024 1:46 PM

ORE99W: MP 7.7 to 10.4
ORE99W, Tigard (north city limits)

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
No traffic impacts. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/13/2025 6:23 AM

ORE99W: MP 57.49 to 57.81
ORE99W, Intersection with Willamina - Salem Highway ORE22

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. Traffic Impact - Expect shoulder and lane closures as needed. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
11/08/2024 5:18 PM

ORE99W: MP 58.9 to 60.31
ORE99W, 1 mile South of Rickreall

Construction Work
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers. 45MPH Reduced Speed Zone in effect. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
2/03/2025 2:33 PM

HWY100: MP 2.55
HWY100, 2 miles East of Troutdale

Maintenance Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Lanes Affected
(Eastbound) 1 Lane
Road crews have the EB lane closed near the Stark St Bridge with signaling devices controlling traffic. Prepare to move over for worker safety. The Stark Street Bridge is closed. Temporary signals are directing traffic on the Historic Columbia River Highway at the bridge.
Last Updated
1/13/2025 6:22 AM

HWY100: MP 2.55
HWY100, 2 miles East of Troutdale

The Stark Street bridge is closed at Historic Columbia River Highway. Use alternate route.
Last Updated
10/22/2024 7:19 AM

HWY100: MP 14.05
HWY100, 7 miles East of Corbett

Construction Work
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Periodic lane closures with flaggers directing traffic on U.S. 30/Historic Highway weekdays. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
1/27/2025 10:10 AM

HWY100: MP 17.5 to 17.68
HWY100, 5 miles West of Ainsworth State Park

Construction Work
Lanes Affected
(Westbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder (Eastbound) Median , 1 Lane , Shoulder
A section of the Historic Columbia River Highway/U.S. 30 between Wahkeena Falls and Multnomah Falls is closed to all users until Memorial Day 2025. Use I-84 Exit 31 or take transit to visit Multnomah Falls. There is no vehicle or bicycle access to Multnomah Falls heading eastbound on the Historic Highway. The Wahkeena-Multnomah Falls return trail #442 is open to hikers. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](
Last Updated
12/15/2024 6:17 AM

HWY372: MP 9 to 21.98

Snow Zone
Informational only
Affected Area
Century Drive - West of Bend to Mt. Bachelor Ski Area
Minimum Chain Restriction
Carry chains or traction tires regardless of conditions. View more information on Chain Laws.

HWY372: MP 9 to 21.98

Severe Weather Hazard
Informational only
Weather Condition
Partly Cloudy
Pavement Condition
Black Ice
Chain Restrictions
Carry Chains or Traction Tires
Current Temp
17 F
New Snow
0 in.
Roadside Snow
120 in.
Last Updated
2/09/2025 2:31 AM