
Do you like to play in the snow, ski, snowboard, or snowmobile? Oregon's permit program helps provide for snow removal at many of your favorite winter recreation parking areas.

You must have a valid permit displayed in the windshield of your vehicle if you park in designated winter recreation parking areas () between November 1 and April 30. Each of these areas are posted with signs identifying them as a WINTER RECREATION AREA. You will find in all mountain passes of the state as well as most recognized ski, snowmobile, and snow play areas.

Permit Types

There are three types of permits:

  • Annual Permit - $25
  • 3-Day Permit - $9 (good from three consecutive days)
  • 1-Day Permit - $4

Permits are sold online at and by permit agents at various resorts, sporting goods stores and other retail outlets. Sales agents may charge an additional service fee for each permit they sell.

If you buy an annual permit online, a printable interim permit will be emailed to you immediately. You can use this interim annual permit for up to 14 days until you receive the annual permit in the mail.

Annual permits are also available by mail from the DMV headquarters office in Salem. To order an annual permit send a written request with your return address, phone number, and a check or money order to:

Oregon DMV
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem OR 97314

Questions on how to buy a permit or information on becoming a permit sales agent contact DMV, Business Regulation, at 503-945-5052 or email

The cost of the annual permit provides a discount to frequent users over the three day and daily permits. A survey of users indicated that an annual permit is used more than 13 times per winter.

Neighboring State Permits

permits issued by California and Idaho are honored in Oregon and Oregon permits are honored in those states. Parking in an Oregon without a permit may result in a $30 fine, so be sure to obtain a permit and display it on your vehicle.

To learn about California's program, contact California State Parks and Recreation at 916-324-1222 or visit the California State Parks and Recreation website.

To find out about Idaho's Park-n-Ski program, call Idaho Parks and Recreation at 208-514-2419 or visit the Idaho Parks and Recreation website.